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I have learnt much more about the spiritual body as well as the physical body  through working with Liz Sippy and Kinesiology.  I am a Parkinsons sufferer and healing the mind as well as the body is making a positive difference.  Liz is very patient and supportive and I would have no hesitation in recommending her.

Accountant, Surrey.



In my experience Liz is able to identify the priority in each session for healing to open up, progress or deepen.  She is incredibly wise, practical and experienced.  She is the least judgemental person I have ever met.  Her toolbox is vast and one gains so much knowledge as well as healing and development from one session that you come way with so much more than you can imagine and things you can draw upon way into the future.  She is open and kind.  A remarkable lady.

Homemaker, Hampshire.


I have known Liz for many years as a family friend and on many occasions  

we have worked together on various aspects of my health.  I have had to try to cope with a rare blood disease (Amyloidosis) which attacked a number of organs and resulted in a kidney transport 3 years ago.  This gives rise to a number of side effects which our wonderful NHS cannot deal with and iz's treatments and advice have had very positive effects on both body and soul.  It is a holistic way of deaing with ailments and, as I write, one particular avenue of therapy has lead to a dramatic improvement in my kidney function which was previously in decline.  I hope to be able to update this testimonial with further good news in 2016.

Solicitor, London


I have been treated by Liz over the last twenty years for a number of ailments ranging from backache, digestive problems, period painsm migraines to panic attacks and will be eternally grateful for her professionalism, skill, empathy and innate knowledge of what was required each time but most of all of her desire to empower me with her knowledge so that over time I have been able to help not only myself but also others.  Thank you Liz, it has been a privilege to be treated by you!

Irini Tzortzoglou, Cumbria.


Liz's work is transformative.  Her wisdom, understanding of energy and how to protect, strengthen and unblock yourself energetically is extraordinary.  A healer unlike others.

Journalist, London.


I first went to see Liz in 2010 following the death of my partner.  I was suffering both emotionally and physically and Liz's unique combination of therapies helped me immensely.  I have since seen Liz regularly over the years and I find her an invaluable source of healing.  She has so many tools in her box to support you from nutritional supplements to flower remedies to holding acupuncture points and she is adept in approaching physical ailments as well as emotional and psychological issues.  Her commitment knows no limits and she is always there to respond with follow ups to any treatment.  Liz is a highly talented practitioner with a huge giving heart and I always leave her treatment room feeling uplifted and cared for.

S.I. Sutton























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